hello world
Foresight, equality, social resilience
hello world
hello mars
hello worlds
hello jupiter
hello saturn
hello uranus
hello neptune
All Futures is written by Dee Harding.
I’m a public servant and researcher you could broadly call a geographer. I’ve developed forecasting algorithms for climate extremes and farming, conducted statistical assessments of Britain’s levels of equality, and advised on the likely ethical and environmental impacts of new technologies: working across public policy, socio-economic impacts, health and the hard sciences for the last decade and a half. In each case, I’ve specialised in finding risks, vulnerabilities, and opportunities to grasp the future.
In my downtime I give talks about mathematicians who were also wizards, write for game design every now and then, play cello pretty badly, take half decent photos and produce portfolio-resistant art and design around arcane uses of the internet. I got paid to haunt the (German-speaking) internet one time.
My (Québécois) French is alright, but my German is extremely bad.
I was never good At Twitter/X before it went to hell, so if you want to get ahold of me and don't have my work details, the form below is for you. In addition to being a head of programme for digital policy at NHS England I occasionally take on a few hours a week for consulting on technically difficult projects. Please get in touch for:
If you'd like to hear stories about Émilie du Chatelet (gambler!) or John Napier (wizard!), feel free to ask.
I publish all my scientific and policy work under AE Harding, and for everything else I use Dee (which I prefer). You can use either, but please don't confuse me by using one for the other, or expect me to be a world famous BBC foreign correspondent, I have never been to Eyl and he, to the best of my knowledge, doesn't have a doctorate.
hello world
Olympus EM-10, EP-2, and a lot of travel. Prints available on request.
hello world
I currently work at NHS England, helping develop the right governance regime for data and technology across our healthcare system.
Previous works include:
I'm also an occasional reviewer for Climatic Change, a fellow at Newspeak House, a former trustee for Conway Hall and member of the Heads Of Horizon Scanning network. I'm a UCL alum who's taught classes in Fortran and Geophysics at UEA, Climate Modelling at UoE, and Communicating Climate Change at McGill. I've just completed the NHS Leadership Academy's Nye Bevan programme. My full CV can be found on LinkedIn.
# Dimension - Jekyll Theme A Jekyll version of the "Dimension" theme by [HTML5 UP](  # How to Use For those unfamiliar with how Jekyll works, check out []( for all the details, or read up on just the basics of [front matter](, [writing posts](, and [creating pages]( - **GitLab**: Simply fork this repository and start editing the `_config.yml` file! - **GitHub**: Fork this reposity and create a branch named `gh-pages`, then start editing the `_config.yml` file. # Added Features * Add your **social profiles** easily in `_config.yml`. # Configuration You can use the following custom parameters in `_config.yml`. ## Site Icon - `icon` sets the class for your site's [Font Awesome]( icon. ## Social settings - `500px_url` - `facebook_url` - `github_url` - `gitlab_url` - `googleplus_url` - `instagram_url` - `linkedin_url` - `pinterest_url` - `slack_url` - `twitter_url` # Issues If you would like to report a bug, ask a question, request a feature, feel free to do so on [the GitLab repository]( and I will be more than happy to help! Alternatively, you can open an issue via email by emailing [incoming+andrewbanchich/](mailto:incoming+andrewbanchich/ The GitHub repository is simply a mirror of the GitLab repository. # Credits Original README from HTML5 UP: ``` Dimension by HTML5 UP | @ajlkn Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license ( This is Dimension, a fun little one-pager with modal-ized (is that a word?) "pages" and a cool depth effect (click on a menu item to see what I mean). Simple, fully responsive, and kitted out with all the usual pre-styled elements you'd expect. Hope you dig it :) Demo images* courtesy of Unsplash, a radtastic collection of CC0 (public domain) images you can use for pretty much whatever. (* = not included) AJ | @ajlkn Credits: Demo Images: Unsplash ( Icons: Font Awesome ( Other: jQuery ( Misc. Sass functions (@HugoGiraudel) Skel ( ``` Repository [Jekyll logo]( icon licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License](